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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Valentines day symbols

here are several symbols attached to the romantic festival of Valentine’s Day. The most commonly attached Valentine’s Day Symbols include Roses, Hearts, Cupid, Chocolates, Love Birds, Love Knots …

Valentine’s Day and love have been intrinsically intertwined for centuries; it’s the day that lovers everywhere declare their love for each other with bouquets of red roses and boxes of chocolates in addition to other precious little love mementos.

Each of these Valentine’s Day Symbols has an interesting story about how they become attached with the festival. Over the years these symbols may not know the story behind these symbols but they surely recognize the festival with its traditional symbols.

Only a month come February 14th and the atmosphere of love is all-pervasive. Let us review some love symbols on this holiday

Red Roses:

An enduring symbol of passion, beauty and love, red roses are the most popular flower to present a loved one on Valentine’s Day. Such is the power of red roses that one long-stemmed red rose can impress a loved one as much as a large bouquet of red roses. Legend has it that the beautiful maiden Rodanthe had to lock herself indoors when she was pursued by a number of zealous suitors. When they eventually broke down the door, the enraged goddess Diana transformed Rodanthe into a beautiful red rose and turned the suitors into thorns.


Valentines day symbols

Cupid, son of Venus, the Goddess of Love, is another popular Valentine’s Day symbol. This winged, mischievous little angel can always be seen with a quiver of arrows. Legend has it that anyone who gets hit with one of Cupid’s arrows would fall in love with the first person they saw. Interestingly, none of his victims can actually see the arrows. It’s only when they fall in love that they realized that they had been shot.


Since ancient times, chocolates have been associated with sexual powers and fertility. One of the reasons for this is that when eaten, chocolates stimulate the production of a chemical that is similar to the chemical produced when a person is in love.

Love Knots:

Another symbol that has its origins in ancient times when ladies used love knots to tie love tokens onto their knights before they headed off to battle.

Love Birds:

These little birds mate for life and signify everlasting fidelity and love. It’s no wonder then that they are regarded as love symbols and are very popular on Valentine’s Day.


Red heart pierced by the Cupid’s arrow is a traditional symbol of Valentine’s Day. Heart symbolizes love and giving someone a heart means to hand over one’s existence to someone. A heart pierced by a Cupid’s arrow means that when someone presents a heart, the person takes the risk of being rejected and feeling hurt. Piercing arrow therefore symbolizes death and vulnerability of love. Some people also believe that the heart and arrow symbolizes the uniting of male and a female.

Love pop up cards:

With an estimated one billion valentine greeting cards sent out annually, the cards contains the symbolic images of love as listed above. Valentine’s Day is the second largest card-sending holiday of the year after Christmas.

Valentines day symbols

Today, one finds great use of red heart symbol especially heart shaped red balloons in Valentine’s Day decoration. Stuffed red heart decorated with a lace is a popular Valentine’s Day Gift also.

We are selling some love popup cards for you to choose to suit your love situation. These love cards are simulated love symbols completely different from other types of love cards.

Valentines day symbols

The symbol of love is exquisitely simulated and assembled manually to build a 3-dimensional popup model. Surely this is the unique gift and the best impressive gift for you to give to your lover on Valentine’s day
