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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

The Cardinalidae family Popup card

The Cardinalidae family

Cardinals & Grosbeaks are passerine birds in the Cardinalidae family. Their habitat is typically in North and South America. These creatures are also known as cardinal-grosbeaks or cardinal-buntings. On the other hand, South American cardinals in the genus Paroaria are placed in another family – the Thraupidae (previously belong to Emberizidae).

The Cardinalidae family is divided into two segments – Cardinals and allies. According to the IOC, there are about 58 species in this family, including Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Seedeaters, and Buntings. These birds mostly eat insects or other invertebrates, seeds, and fruits.

The Yellow Grosbeak is found mostly in Mexico. Their allies – the Black-headed Grosbeaks, have habitat in the western regions of North America. Opposed to them are The Rose-breasted Grosbeaks living in the eastern regions.

Pine Grosbeaks prefer northern Canada and they move to central North America when the food is scarce. Another bird in this family is the Evening Grosbeak. This animal lives in the conifer regions of Canada and migrates as far as central North America.


The Cardinalidae family Popup card

Blue Grosbeak Bird

The Blue Grosbeaks’ scientific name is Passerina Caerulea. They are found from Panama north through Mexico, across the southern United States, and through the central United States north to North Dakota. The Blue Grosbeak’s habitats are in scattered trees, riparian woodlands, scrub, or woodland edges.

Breeding populations in the United States and northern Mexico are long-distance migrants. These species wintering in areas south of Panama, and occasionally in South America. In Utah, the blue grosbeak breeds in the southern (especially the southeastern) portion of the state.

Breeding pairs often produce two broods per year. Females often build their second nest alone in the breeding season, but it is not known if males participated in building the first nest or not.

These birds’ nests are made of twigs, bark, pieces of cloth, cellophane, and snake skins. Blue Grosbeaks put their nest in low trees or bushes, usually ten to fifteen feet above the ground.

The main duty of females is to incubate eggs. They usually incubate four eggs in eleven or twelve days. In this period, Blue Grosbeak males are in charge of finding food and feed the females.

Young are fed mostly by the female for nine to thirteen days until they fledge. If the female then re-nests, the males will feed the fledglings.

Yellow Grosbeak Bird

The Yellow Grosbeak is an easily identified bird. Both males and females possess relatively massive and dark bills. Males are principally black and yellow birds. They have bold white markings over their large wings and tail.

After the evolution process, similar to Golden-bellied Grosbeaks – their species’ counterparts, Yellow Grosbeak males are getting more and more orange in their heads and underparts.

Yellow Grosbeak females, on the other hand, have less striking patterns with dusky markings over their heads and upperparts. However, these creatures retain some white markings on their wings.

The Cardinalidae family Popup card

3D Bird pop-up Cards

Although there are many species in the Cardinalidae family and they are all beautiful, only the most outstanding ones such as Cardinals, Blue Grosbeak, and Yellow Grosbeak inspire us to create 3d cards. You can use Bird pop up card patterns to give your loved ones on almost all occasions in the year.

Blue grosbeaks are a notation of good luck and happiness in many cultures around the world since ancient times. On the other hand, Yellow grosbeaks signify healing, forgiveness, emotional and spiritual balance. In other words, the bird with its eggs is a symbol of new beginnings, hope, caring, and love. A wonderful pop up christmas card with these birds’ simulations will be the perfect present for kids or parents on the season of sharing.
