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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Habitat and characteristics of parrots

Parrots are members of the order Psittaciformes, which includes more than 350 bird species, including parakeets, macaws, cockatiels and cockatoos, according to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). Though there are many types of parrots, all parrot species have a few traits in common are have a curved beak, and its feet must be zygodactyl, which means there are four toes on each foot with two toes that point forward and two that point backward

Most wild parrots live in the warm areas of the Southern Hemisphere, though they can be found in many other regions of the world, such as northern Mexico. Australia, South America and Central America have the greatest diversity of parrot species.

Big and colorful and very intelligent, these are the largest kind of parrots has name Macaws are New World parrots and are distributed through most of South America up to central Mexico. To see a group of these colorful birds in flight is a sight unambiguously associated with large rainforests.

Macaws have a distinct section of bare skin, sometimes interrupted with fine rows of feathers, over its face and reaching down to the base of the bill. This characteristic sets them apart from other kinds of parrots, the intricate lines of fine feathers that cross this bare patch of skin have been proven unique to each macaw, much like the human fingerprint. Another feature that distinguishes the macaws from other parrots are the distinctly long tail feathers..

Habitat and characteristics of parrots

Macaws eat a variety of ripe and unripe fruits, nuts and seeds, flowers, leaves, and stems of plants, and sources of protein like insects and snails. Some species specialize in eating the hard fruits and nuts of palm trees. One trick they use for this is to forage in fields where cattle live. The cattle eat the palm nuts, which pass through their digestive system and come out the other end with the nut’s hard coating removed. This makes the nuts softer and easier for the macaws to eat! Macaws also visit riverbanks and cliffs made of clay soil, which they eat. Scientists believe the soil neutralizes any toxic chemicals the birds might eat in seeds or unripe fruits, possibly preventing stomachaches.

Their colorful plumage, large size, and ability to talk have made them “show birds” and “attention getters” around the world. Unfortunately, trapping for the pet trade is a major factor in macaw population declines. Captured macaw chicks can often bring in thousands of dollars from collectors to the trappers, giving them incentive to continue this practice.

Several macaw species are now listed as endangered or at critical risk, and some have become extinct altogether or extinct in the wild. Logging, farming, and development have reduced macaw habitat.

Conservationists are trying different strategies for helping macaws, such as offering money to local inhabitants for leaving the birds and their habitat alone or using tourist fees to buy up and protect areas of forests where visitors can see the birds. Many reserves have been created in macaw habitat that include lodges built for tourists interested in seeing these colorful birds. The lodges provide jobs for the local people, helping them earn a living by working with the forest rather than clearing it. Some programs have even hired macaw hunters as guides, transforming them from poachers to protectors. Many organizations continue to work to help conserve macaws.

Spread the message of protecting this beautiful bird, we have been make the Macaw pop pop card with honest descriptions of the shape, size and color through 2 Macaw popup card. One is scarlet macaw in Red and one is blue& yellow macaw in Blue.

Habitat and characteristics of parrots

When you want to feed a parrot in your home, but you can’t afford to take care of it, you can use the Macaw popup card to put it right next to you, such as on a desk, bookshelf or near the window.

You can use Macaw 3d happy birthday pop up cards to give to your friends or relatives to share the love for the animals, helping to raise the awareness of protecting the habitat of parrots.
