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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Dragonflies and things you don’t know yet

1. Prehistoric dragonflies.

In 1880 in Commentry, southern France people discovered fossils of a species of insect with giant wings. French paleontologist Charles Bloomoniat spent many years studying this fossil. Then he concluded that it was a fossil of a giant dragonfly living from prehistoric times, about 300 million years ago. He named the dragonfly fossil Meganeura – or means “Giant Dragonfly”.

In terms of physical features, prehistoric dragonflies have looks similar to today’s dragonflies. Their biggest difference is their giant appearance. Prehistoric Dragonflies had wingspan of nearly 30 inches or 2.5 ft (75 cm) with an estimated weight of more than 1 pound (450), which is about the size and weight of a Crow today.

Thanks to their large size, the Meganeura had a much more diverse food chain than today’s little dragonflies. Meganeura mainly eat meat, they hunt and eat small insects, reptiles, and amphibians.

Dragonflies and things you don’t know yet

2. The dragonfly life cycle.

In your daily life, you have seen many scenes of beautiful colorful dragonflies flying above your head. They look like fighters flying in the sky. Many people mistakenly think that these dragonflies can only live a few days because you see them only once in a while, but can you believe these little dragonflies can live up to an average life of 4 years . This article will tell you what a dragonfly’s life cycle will look like.

The dragonfly life cycle lasts through many stages, but we will summarize it into three main predictions: Eggs, larvae (pupae) and adult dragonflies.

2.1 Egg stage.

The male and female dragonflies mating each other during reproduction. The female dragonflies will then find a plant growing in the water to lay eggs on. In the absence of a suitable tree it will lay eggs directly on the water.

During their lifetime, female dragonflies can lay hundreds of eggs, and their eggs can lay in batches over a few days or even weeks.

2.2 Larval stage.

Most of a dragonfly’s life cycle is primarily larvae, which is the longest in their life cycle. So you can see that the number of dragonflies flying in the sky is very sparse. To see more, you need to swim in ponds, lakes and open your eyes to observe, many dragonfly larvae live in the water..

When dragonfly eggs hatch, dragonfly larvae begin to pupate. It looks like a small alien creature (see picture). Its wings were not yet sufficiently developed and had something of a hump hanging from its back. Dragonfly larvae live in water while they are large enough and develop into dragonflies. This stage can take up to 4 years to complete. Also, if the larval cycle is terminated in early winter, it will remain in the water until spring is warm enough to emerge.

Dragonfly larvae live in ponds or swamps because the waters are quieter and quieter than streams or rivers. Sometimes you can still see them in low-flowing underground rivers. Dragonfly larvae feed on all aquatic organisms and smaller dragonfly larvae.

2.3. Adult dragonfly stage.

Once the nymphs are fully developed, and the weather is right. It will complete its metamorphosis into a dragonfly by crawling out of the water onto a tree trunk. The larvae will attach their skin to the stem and begin peeling. A complete dragonfly will come out of the larvae’s shell. The bark that the dragonfly emerged will remain stuck to the tree’s trunk for a long time after the dragonfly has left it.

Once the dragonfly leaves its larvae, it becomes an adult dragonfly. The dragonflies will hunt for food and begin to find a mate. After dragonflies find a mate and mate. The female will find a suitable pond or lake to spawn, and the dragonfly’s life cycle will start all over again. Adults only live about two months.

Dragonflies and things you don’t know yet

3. Classification of dragonfly colors.

There are two types of colors found on dragonflies: natural pigments and structural colors.

The natural color of dragonfly is a combination of red, yellow, black, gray, …

The texture color is due to the angle at which light hits the dragonfly’s body, causing the surface to change color, which is a shimmering effect we call iridescence.

In addition, dragonfly color often changes according to gender, age and body part.

Dragonflies and things you don’t know yet

3.1 Red dragonfly.

Red dragonflies are found all over the world. One of the most widely known is the Darter or Nomad species found most abundant in Europe. Most red dragonflies are easy to spot due to their striking color, they are often dark red, with red veins.

Red dragonflies popular in the US include Needham’s Skimmer, Neon Skimmer, Carolina Saddlebag … Males of these species usually have a dark red color on the body and red veins on the wings.

To the Japanese they are considered sacred objects, a symbol of luck. Many Native American tribes believe that the red dragonfly represents a period of rejuvenation but difficult challenges.

3.2 The golden dragonfly.

Dragonfly golden season occurs with natural pigments such as red and black, along with a beautiful luster of green or blue. The xue color is used to represent the color of happiness, optimism, wisdom and honor.

Golden dragonflies are found around the world.They are native to Europe as well as central and northern China, and occasionally migrate to the UK.

The most common of these species is The Globe Skimmer. This species has the largest known insect migratory behavior. Each individual golden dragonfly will fly over 3,500 miles. Whereas a large group can travel more than 11,000 miles on a single migration. The yellow dragonfly is endemic to the United States.

There are a few species where the male is golden yellow, but the female tends to be brown or yellow.

In addition, many species of red dragonflies turn yellow when they are young. As they are sexually mature, the redox states that reduce the epidermal ommochrome pigments that regulate their color from yellow to red.

3.3 Black Dragonfly.

The black color of this species is usually displayed full body and black is the dominant color alternating with other natural blood types such as red, yellow, green.

The black dragonfly is a common species and is the largest species in the world. Among them is the Petalura ingentisssima, found in Northeastern Autralia, with a black background mixed with yellow patches. This species is easy to spot because they are enormous with a wingspan of more than 6 inches.

Males of the black dragonfly are black with red markings on the chest and abdomen, while females are dark brown with white instead of black markings.

3.4 Orange dragonfly.

Orange dragonflies are quite common. One of the prominent species native to the United States is the Flame Skimmer or the Firecracker Skimmer which has an orange base on the body. Orange color is a natural pigment so it is easy to spot for children with that color.

All males of this species have a fiery orange color that makes them stand out. Females tend to be darker to turn brown with gray markings.

Orange dragonflies are found on every continent such as the popular Flame Skimmer in the southwestern United States. The Red Rock Skimmer and Mexican Amberwing are popular in the Sonoran Arizón Desert and in the US California and Mexico. ..

3.5 Green dragonflies.

Blue is a common iridescent color that occurs in dragonflies, often found on the body or wings of a dragonfly. The most common of this species is the Blue Dasher, a dragonfly from the Skimmer family with a blue belly and wings. They are splendid and beautiful and colorful commonly found in North America. They can be identified by the blue belly and head, black wing tips.

Especially the males in this species also have blue eyes. Females do not have blue eyes, instead they are yellowish-green in areas where the male is blue.

Dragonflies can be found all over the world. Blue Dasher is widely distributed in North America and the Bahamas. Blue-eyed dormers are found west of the Rocky Mountains from Canada to Mexico.

Azure Hawker is found only in the Scottish Highlands. Sapphire Flutterers are found in Southeast Asia …

3.6 Brown dragonfly.

The common brown dragonfly has two closely related species found in the UK, Norfolk Hawkers and Brown Hawker. These dragonflies are also found around the Mediterranean Seafull of Europe and North Africa, there are many brown-colored species such as Hudsonian Whitèace, Flame Skimmer, Cardinal Meadowhawk …

Brown dragonflies can be found on every continent.
