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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Cardinal symbol and 3D Greeting Popup Card new Design

Northern cardinals are one of animal adored creatures throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. They symbolize love, loyalty or are embraced as spiritual messengers from the spirit world, cardinals have played countless roles in mythology and literature through the centuries. 

The cardinal bird meaning varies slightly between different cultures, but in general, this bird is seen as a positive sign. In some cultures, the cardinal is seen as a lucky number or a power animal. In others, it is seen as a sign of good news or a beautiful omen.

If you see a red cardinal, it means that you are being blessed with good luck and fortune. When red cardinals appear, it is thought to be a symbol of good luck, and they often show up when someone is about to receive some good news. If you see a cardinal, take it as a sign that something wonderful is about to happen in your life. 

Cardinal symbol and 3D Greeting Popup Card new Design

You may have heard that cardinals are a sign that a loved one who's passed is near, letting you know they're with you. This bird may also be a sign that you are about to embark on a new and exciting journey. This makes the cardinal symbol meaning one of positivity and adventure.

Most often when a cardinal appears in your dream, it is regarded as a very positive message, one that is urging you to follow your dreams and passions. When you see a cardinal in your dream, it can mean that you are finally being honest with yourself, and you have finally discovered who you really are.

Cardinal symbol and 3D Greeting Popup Card new Design

Relating to yet another fantastic fact, cardinals also symbolize the power and stability of a strong family. The male cardinal is responsible for the healthy nurturing of the fledglings, while in other species, this is the female’s responsibility. When you see a cardinal, think of the stability you can bring into your life or love life as well as your family. This stability is also related to balance in career and opportunities.

The cardinal is a beautiful bright red bird, and to see a cardinal at Christmastime can symbolize abundant blessings, angels are near, and the loving memories we have of past holiday celebrations.

Cardinal symbol and 3D Greeting Popup Card new Design

One of the most beautiful sights that can bring joy during the holiday season is seeing a cardinal. So that your loved ones can see the cardinal, give them this beautiful red cardinal 3D greeting popup card model.

If you’re looking for a more subtle way to add cardinal meaning to your holiday decor, you can simply place one or two on shelves or in doorways. You can decorate on a side, or on top of a table book or a stack of books.

The vibrant red feathers of this small bird stand out against the winter landscape, and the cardinal bird meaning brings with it a message of good tidings and hope. This is an animal that wings its way into your life when you are on the horizon of a new relationship or other significant event filled with romance.
